We are seeking for talented and motivated people around the world. In particular, applications for a postdoctoral position are invited from international talents with excellent computational genomics training to work in our laboratory. Our research focuses on designing novel computational technologies to analyze, integrate and visualize high-throughput biological data effectively and efficiently, with applications to decipher the “coded messages” in the human genome.
Ideal applicant should have:
- A PhD degree in related field (bioinformatics, physics, statistics, engineering, etc) received in the last 5 years
- Excellent quantitative background in statistical/machine learning, or a substantial experience in analysis of high-throughput sequencing data
- Strong programming skills: ((Python | Perl | Java) & R)
- Good spoken and written communication skills in English/Chinese
The successful candidate will be eligible to apply for ICG Postdoctoral Fellowship, CLS Postdoctoral Fellowship, as well as Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Interested applicants should send
- Curriculum Vitae
- A brief statement of research interests with one-page proposal
- Three letters of recommendations
to [email protected], with subject line “Postdoctoral application”.